Advisory Board
The advisory board for Islamic-Religious Studies is part of the FAU and has supported DIRS since our founding in 2012. Based on religious aspects, the board has contributed to the establishment of study programs and the hiring of chairs at DIRS.
The board consists of representatives of Muslim associations that are relevant in Bavaria, prominent Muslim characters, and scholars of Islamic theology and related disciplines.
The members of the board, who are appointed by the FAU for periods of three years, have contributed to the establishment of DIRS in the academic landscape with expertise and academic qualification.
Deniz Caner
Doctoral Candidate at the University of Istanbul at the Faculty of Turkish-Islamic History
Erhan Cinar
Lecturer at DIRS
Teacher at the Peter-Henlein-Realschule Nuremberg
Hamideh Mohagheghi
Research Assistant at the Seminar for Islamic Theology at the University of Paderborn
Rabeya Müller
Chair of the Institute for Interreligious Pedagogy and Didactics, Cologne
Education Referent at the Center für Islamic Women’s Research Studies and the Advancement of Women, Cologne
Mohamed Abu el Qomsan
Dipl. Computer scientist, Chairman of the Bavarian Regional Association of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany e.V. and member of the Board of the Islamic Religious Community Erlangen e.V.
Mehmet Sapmaz
Siemens AG, Dipl. Economist (FH); Member of the CSU city council of Erlangen
Dr. Aysun Yasar
Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay/Turkey: Chair of the Department of Islamic History and Arts